Pressure Equipment EAC Certification
Pressurized equipment such as containers for liquids and gases, pipes, hydraulic valves, boilers appliances and safety devices subject to pressure with specific technical characteristics fall within the Technical Regulation TR CU 032/2013 " On the safety of equipment operating under excessive pressure ".
All components under pressure must be certified according to TR CU 032/2013 and must have the EAC Declaration or the EAC Certificate in order to be sold in Russia and in the other states of the Eurasian Economic Custom Union (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia).
The TR CU 032/2013 regulation provides the EAC Declaration and EAC Certificate regime
depending on the risk category, pressure parameters, diameter and volume, the physical state of the fluid and the hazard index. In the design, construction and installation phase, the technical safety requirements of the TR CU 032/2013 and its Annexes must be respected. The manufacturer must produce documentation in Russian language certifying compliance with these requirements. 

All components under pressure must be certified according to TR CU 032/2013 and must have the EAC Declaration or the EAC Certificate in order to be sold in Russia and in the other states of the Eurasian Economic Custom Union (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia).
Our services
ENGAL Services assists companies in order to obtain EAC Certification. ENGAL Services is the sole interlocutor of the customer and guide you through every step of EAC Certification process expected by TR CU 032/2013.We provide the following services:
- Preparation and development of the technical documentation of the product
- Development of technical passport in Russian language
- Development of safety justification in Russian language
- Test and Test report
- Service of Applicant / Representative of the foreign producer
- Issuance and registration of the EAC Certificate and EAC Declaration
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