NR 12 Certification for Brazil
In Brazil safety in the workplace is regulated by Norme Regulamentadore (NR), which are mandatory legislative acts. In particular, the main law on the Safety of Industrial Machinery in the workplace is the NR 12 Brazilian Standard “Segurança no Trabalho em Máquinas e Equipamentos” which defines specific obligations for designers, manufacturers, importers and employers. 

Any manufacturer wishing to sell machinery from all over the world to Brazil must respect NR 12 Brazilian Standard
from the design phase of the machinery. Industrial machinery must comply with NR 12 Brazil Regulation, with the requirements of the other applicable NRs and Technical ABNT Brazilian Standards. 

There are deep differences about Compliance and Certification procedure between Brazil and other countries approach. 

Thanks to our CREA qualified Brazilian Engineers we are able to assist you throughout the process, from the Conformity of the machinery to the Brazilian NR 12 Standard and to the other national ABNT Technical Regulations during the design phase up to installation and NR 12 Certification in Brazil. The machine Certification process in Brazil ends with the mandatory inspection of the installed machine, the release of the A.R.T. (Certificate of Technical Responsibility to the Brazilian NR 12 Standard) and the Laudo de Validação NR 12 by our authorized Brazilian Engineers.

Thanks to our team of Italian - Brazilian technicians and specialized engineers, we help you solve the conformity and NR 12 Certification requests of your machinery. Our goal is to provide a complete and reliable service to manufacturers who want to export to Brazil. The manufacturer will have a single contact throughout the process of Conformity and Compliance for any need.
Compliance During Design
The key method is to work closely with manufacturers to develop safety measures in accordance to NR 12 and the other Brazilian standards and prevent any problem of compliance on installation site. We support the manufacturer from the design phase, sharing the technical solutions with the CREA Brazilian Engineers responsible for Assessing and Certifying the conformity of the installed machine. With our services:
- The manufacturer is supported from the design and construction phases: we suggest solutions to achieve NR 12 safety requirements through mechanical, electrical, pneumatical and other measures
- The technical choices are shared with the Brazilian Engineers responsible for NR 12 Certification
- The machinery will comply with the requirements of Brazilian legislation even before being exported to Brazil
Brazilian Risk Assessment
Risk Analysis is a fundamental document for exporting to Brazil. In fact, the Brazilian buyer requests the Risk Analysis in order to verify the compliance of the machinery with the requirements of the NR 12 Standard, the NR 10 Standard, the NR17 Standard and other applicable Brazilian Standards. This Risk Analysis must follow the Brazilian Hazard Rating Number method, which differs significantly from the ones used in other countries. Furthermore, the Risk Analysis in Brazil must be prepared by an Authorized Brazilian CREA Engineer and not by the manufacturer.
Our Brazilian engineers draw up the risk analysis using the HRN method in the Portuguese language of Brazil in accordance with the local Brazilian regulations.
NR 12 Validation and Certification in Brazil
After installation in Brazil is essential the role of Brasilian CREA Engineers: they have to inspect and validate the machinery installed, check if the NR 12 requirements are satisfied, issue the A.R.T. (Attestation of Technical Responsability) and Laudo de Validação NR 12 of the machinery. Our CREA Engineers are qualified to provide the official Approval and Conformity Assessments for users and manufacturers in accordance to NR 12 Regulations. We can support you with these services:
In specific cases A.R.T. and Laudo de Validação NR 12 of the machine can be issued before its shipment to Brazil, thus ensuring the conformity of the machinery on installation site.
- Evaluate the compliance of the safety systems
- Perform functional tests and failure simulations reporting the results in the official test report
- Issue Laudo de Validação NR 12 and A.R.T
- Fix NR 12 plate on the machinery
In specific cases A.R.T. and Laudo de Validação NR 12 of the machine can be issued before its shipment to Brazil, thus ensuring the conformity of the machinery on installation site.
Test and Training in Brazil
We are able to perform on installation site in Brazil the following test on machinery and industrial products:
In accordance to Brazilian Norm NR 12, workers must be trained on the safe use of the machinery. NR 12 states that the technical course must have a programmatic content related to all the work phases of the machinery (eg. cleaning, use, maintenance, inspection) and it shall be provided by qualified personnel supervised by a Brazilian authorized professional.
Our Brazilian engineers are legally qualified professionals authorized to execute test and provide training in accordance to NR 10 Regulations and brazilian Technical Standards.
- Grounding test in compliance with NR 10, ABNT NBR 5410 and with IEC 60204-1 Standards
- Lighting test
- Phonometric test in accordance to NR 15 Standard, the Portaria 3.214 / 78 do Ministèrio do Trabalho, and ABNT NBR 10151 Standard
- Validation of safety systems in accordance to ISO 13849-2
In accordance to Brazilian Norm NR 12, workers must be trained on the safe use of the machinery. NR 12 states that the technical course must have a programmatic content related to all the work phases of the machinery (eg. cleaning, use, maintenance, inspection) and it shall be provided by qualified personnel supervised by a Brazilian authorized professional.
Our Brazilian engineers are legally qualified professionals authorized to execute test and provide training in accordance to NR 10 Regulations and brazilian Technical Standards.
Machinery Adaptation in Brazil
Any manufacturer wishing to sell machinery from all over the world to Brazil must respect NR 12 Brazilian Standard; importation, sell and use of a machine which is not NR 12 Regulation Compliance is not allowed. Especially during the installation of big plants could happens that some solutions are not in compliance and manufacturer has to find a solution to adapt the machinery.
In similar cases we can intervene studying the safety concept solutions that comply national regulations in force and install it directly Brazil.
In similar cases we can intervene studying the safety concept solutions that comply national regulations in force and install it directly Brazil.
Commercial Contracts
The contractual aspect assumes ever greater importance to avoid disputes regarding the conformity of the supply. Thanks to our lawyers specialized in International Contracts, we offer services of:
- Support for the drafting, analysis and revision of the manufacturing and fabrication agreements, its technical attachments, on the basis of the Brazilian legislative and technical-regulatory framework
- Assist company in contract negotiations with suppliers and with its final customer
Technical Documentation
The NR 12 Certification process in Brazil involves the evaluation of the technical documentation. The Conformity of the documents for export is in fact one of the requirements for the purposes of the NR 12 Certification in Brazil. Our team is at your service for:
- Prepare all the necessary documentation to export the machinery in Brazil (pictograms, manuals, machinery’s plate, etc)
- Review the documentation according to the provisions of the NR 12 Regulation
- Verify the machine user and maintenance manual
- Assist you in determine and writing the LockOut - TagOut procedure (LOTO)
Technical Translations in Brazilian
According to NR 12 Brazilian Standard all technical documentation, machine drawings, user and maintenance manual, operator interface (HMI), pictograms and warnings must be strictly in Brazilian Portuguese language (which is different from Portuguese of Portugal).
With our Brazilian translators we are able to offer you a technical translation service in Portuguese of Brazil.
With our Brazilian translators we are able to offer you a technical translation service in Portuguese of Brazil.
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