Clothing for Children Seized in Russia
Amur Region - 3000 units of clothing for children and adolescents sold in some shops were seized by Rospotrebnadzor agents during an audit. The seizure was due to the violation of the mandatory requirements set out in the technical regulation TR CU 007/2011 "On the safety of products intended for children and adolescents".
Specifically, the seized clothes had been put on sale without the documentation certifying compliance with the safety requirements, without the EAC marking, and the information concerning the product name and the correct identification of the manufacturer were not in Russian language.
All cloths deemed unsafe for violation of the requirements of Technical Regulations TR CU 007/2011 have been withdrawn and subjected to laboratory tests.
With regard to the foreign producer and his representative, administrative procedures have been initiated pursuant to art. 14.43 part 2 of the Code of Administrative offenses of the Russian Federation entitled "Violation by the manufacturer, the Representative of the foreign producer, the seller of the requirements set by the Technical Regulations" and art. 14.15 "violation of the rules for the sale of certain types of goods".
Suorce: http://rospotrebnadzor.ru
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Amur Region - 3000 units of clothing for children and adolescents sold in some shops were seized by Rospotrebnadzor agents during an audit. The seizure was due to the violation of the mandatory requirements set out in the technical regulation TR CU 007/2011 "On the safety of products intended for children and adolescents".
Specifically, the seized clothes had been put on sale without the documentation certifying compliance with the safety requirements, without the EAC marking, and the information concerning the product name and the correct identification of the manufacturer were not in Russian language.
All cloths deemed unsafe for violation of the requirements of Technical Regulations TR CU 007/2011 have been withdrawn and subjected to laboratory tests.
With regard to the foreign producer and his representative, administrative procedures have been initiated pursuant to art. 14.43 part 2 of the Code of Administrative offenses of the Russian Federation entitled "Violation by the manufacturer, the Representative of the foreign producer, the seller of the requirements set by the Technical Regulations" and art. 14.15 "violation of the rules for the sale of certain types of goods".
Suorce: http://rospotrebnadzor.ru
Visit the ENGAL Services NewsRoom where you will find news regarding the Certification procedures, the Regulatory Updates, the news on the Interpretative Trends of the technical requirements and the Problems encountered in the matter of Conformity and Certification.
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